And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Mat 16:18 (KJV)


Brother Bryan Douglas Pipes

I, Bryan Douglas Pipes, was saved on a Sunday night at Jared Missionary Baptist Church; (on Jared Hollow Rd. just inside Putnam Co. line, past Chestnut Md. off Hwy. 70);  first night of revival, May 23, 1982.  Pastor was Bro. Kenny Hensley, helper that year Bro. Stephen Brooks.  Bro. Stephen was Pastor of Hogans Creek Missionary Baptist Church at the time.  Lot…

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Brother Cameron Allison

    Hi my name is Cameron and I got saved on a Tuesday at Revival.  The day before I got saved Bro. Eddie Bennett asked me if I was lost and I lied to him.  I told him no.  The next day, at revival Bro. Jeff “my dad” ask me and I lied to him and told him no.  Then he…

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Brother Briston Bridges

    My name is Briston and this is my testimony. I got saved on February 20th in 2011.  I got saved.  I had been lost for 3 years by then.  I still remember what the subject was for that.  Grandpa was preaching, the subject was Hell.  He kept asking what if he comeback this afternoon.  Then the altar call was called…

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Sister Gracie Allison

    I got save whir I wur seven in it was a log time but I was to afraid to shake Grandpa’s hand.  I finally walked up and I told Grandpa and Grandpa asked me a few question then I cried for a longtime but I didn’t go to the altar I stayed with my momma because I wanted to prayed…

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Brother Vernon L. Price

    My name is Vernon L. Price, and I am the son of Coll W. Price and Vilda Joyce Price of Defeated Creek, TN..  One Night at a revival meeting at east Carthage Missionary Baptist Church, where I was attending as an 11 year old Boy I heard the Gospel Preached and it pricked my heart.  The man bringing the Gospel…

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Sister Mai Bennett

My Testimony by Mai Bennett     My name is Mai Nell Bennett.  I was born Oct. 12, 1958.  I lived in Chestnut Mound.  My parents were Hugh and Ogeal Blair.  I have ten brothers and sisters. My family went to church in Chestnut Mound, as we all got older my family quit going to church but my Aunt Virginia would come…

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Brother Edgar Eugene Bennett Jr. (Eddie)

    My name is Edgar Eugene Bennett Jr. (Eddie).  I was born on July 12, 1955.  I was born again October 23, 1966.  Here is my testimony. My mother was the kind that on Sunday you were going to go to church and there were no exceptions.  My father was like John Walton, he went sometimes, and he always said God…

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Sister Kendra Leigh Nixon

Dear Reader,     My name is Kendra Leigh Nixon.  I’m fourteen years old and I would like to tell you my testimony. When my parents split so did my religion.  For sometime I went to one church in Buffalo Valley all the people believed in a Pentecostal religion.  Till my Mom met a man named Mike Turnipseed I just went to…

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Sister Joy Smith

Joy was saved when she was eighteen at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Watertown, TN. And baptized their. She later joined Hartsville Missionary Baptist Church by Baptism and became a Charter member.  She rejoiced in the Lord until the day she died. Written by Sister Mary Taylor

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Sister Lovie Mai Sanders

  Lovie was saved when she was 14 years old at Payton Creek Missionary Baptist Church at Monoville, TN.  Brother Floyd Stark baptized her shortly after.  She is now a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Lebanon. Lovie attended Hartsville Missionary Baptist Church for several years. Written by Sister Mary Taylor.

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