1. Receiving Members
- Any candidate coming for membership by experience, letter, credit of letter or statement must relate their experience of grace publicly before the church.
- It must be a unanimous vote to be received.
- No candidate is considered a member until baptized.
- No candidate is a member until their letter is received, read and approved by the church.
2. Dismissing Members
- By death, exclusion or letter.
- Anyone going to another faith will be considered disorderly.
3. Ordinations
- We believe that men are called of God to preach the gospel.
- We believe that no minister should be ordained that has two living wives.
- Deacon: Must not have more than one living wife.
4. Government
- Majority rule, in all matters except in receiving members which is a unanimous vote.
5. Two Church Ordinances
- Baptism
- Converted person
- By immersion in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost
- By authority of a New Testament Church
- By ordained minister set apart by a New Testament Church
- Lord’s Supper
- Must be served in Church capacity
- Only to members and visiting Brothers and Sisters of the same faith and order.
- We think it orderly for deacons and ministers to assist in the serving.
- Members of the church observing the Communion with another faith be considered disorderly.
6. Discipline
- We believe that all members should strive to walk according to Gospel order, abstaining from adultery, drunkenness, etc.
- Any candidate coming for membership that might bring reproach or confusion in our body be rejected for the sake of peace.