And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Mat 16:18 (KJV)

Brother Bryan Douglas Pipes

I, Bryan Douglas Pipes, was saved on a Sunday night at Jared Missionary Baptist Church; (on Jared Hollow Rd. just inside Putnam Co. line, past Chestnut Md. off Hwy. 70);  first night of revival, May 23, 1982.  Pastor was Bro. Kenny Hensley, helper that year Bro. Stephen Brooks.  Bro. Stephen was Pastor of Hogans Creek Missionary Baptist Church at the time.  Lot fell on Bro. Stephen to preach that night.

I remember wearing blue knit pants with a blue twill/tweed type shirt that I didn’t like at all that night.  During the message while Bro. Stephen was preaching; to this day don’t know and can’t recall his words of the message; but that calling voice began to knock sharply on my heart.  I do remember Bro. Stephen driving the message home though.  By altar call, we stood singing, the house seemed packed.  On my pew was my mom, my dad right next to me then Lynda Williams, our deacon Walter Williams’ wife.  She asked me, “Do you need to go to the altar?”  Immediately I agreed yes and she couldn’t move quick enough and all I knew was I couldn’t make it to the altar quick enough.

I dropped to my knees and began to call upon the Lord with all I had, feeling all choked up inside and feeling like I had a ton of bricks on me.  I knew I was lost.  Must have been down there a while, services had dismissed for the night.  Still present there, I remember once saved was my mom and dad Douglas and Teresa Pipes;  Bro. Kenny Hensley with wife Charlotte; deacons Garry White with wife Debra and Walter Williams with wife Lynda;  lay member Jim Frank White with wife Virginia, Garry’s mom and dad; I believe our song leader Bro. Thurman Jackson with wife Geraldine; and Bro. Stephen Brooks with his wife Regina.

While kneeling at the altar I moved, begged, squirmed, cried and cried.  Kept asking for the Lord to Save Me.  Finally at a last moment, Bro. Garry White was right beside me, said something.  With all I had, with everything I had, I dug deep.  I looked and searched deep, within my heart, seemingly in like total darkness.  I found my Lord, fore he found me.  Seemingly quicker than an instant, he was holding me and I heard that voice inside, “It’s ok, you can stand up now.”  Then with no more burden, no more need to pray for me, feeling lightly, feeling saved from that darkness, I did.

I stood up turned around and said, “the Lord just saved my soul.”  I remember my daddy being happy in the Lord.  I remember Bro. Stephen and Bro. Garry saying they could tell when it happened cause they said I quit shaking and trembling and all of a sudden I was calm and peaceful.  All Grace be unto God and unto his Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for I knew it too.  The very next night I graduated 8th grade from Forks River Elem. School in Elmwood.  Later on that week during revival I recall Bro. Stephen while preaching mentioning how clued in I was into my brown bible, during service.  I had previously that year during Easter Sunrise Service while Bro. Kenny was preaching was under conviction went to the altar but didn’t pray thru.  But on this Sunday night, May 23, 1982, 13 years old, prayed thru.  A one time gift from God.  What God doeth….let no man put asunder.

Written By:  Bryan Douglas Pipes

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