My name is Jeffery Shannon Allison. I was born August 3, 1977 in Smith County. My testimony is a little different that most in that I was 6 years old. My parents had taken me to vacation bible school at Plunketts Creek Missionary Baptist Church. While my class had just gone out to play games, the bell began to ring. When the bell rang, that meant someone was on the altar, and that everyone was to come in. So, we went in and sure enough there was a little girl on the altar. After a little while, another went up to the altar, then another, then another. During this time, a young lady came and asked me if I was lost. I knew that God had knocked on my heart; I knew that I was lost. However, I told her that I was ok and to just leave me alone. As she began to walk away, she said “well I will be praying for you”. I sat there and began to pray, and realized that I had no idea how to pray. So I just started talking to God and telling him what was on my heart. After a while, I thought that maybe he would save me if I went up to the altar.
I looked up, and there was no more room for me. So as I sat there, I finally just told God that if I died and went to Heaven or to Hell that it was all in his hands. In that moment, it felt like the worlds largest rock had been lifted off of my heart. I remember going to tell my dad, and soon as I had told him, he told me to go back and make sure. The problem was that I had nothing else to pray for, until I began praying for one of my friends that was seeking God. At the end of that day there was 16 souls testified that God had saved them. If you have what I have, sooner or later we’ll walk around together in Heaven. How GREAT and MERCIFUL is our God.
Jeffery Allison