And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Mat 16:18 (KJV)

Sister Lorie Allison Kent


  My name is Lorie Allison Kent.  I was saved when I was 10 years old at Hartsville Missionary Baptist Church, during the spring revival in 1981 on a Friday night.  I remember it being on a Friday night because my brother and I would watch The Dukes of Hazard.  We ask our parents if we could stay with our grand parents that night.  All my Dad would say is “you ought to go.”  That was all it took for me to go.

As a child I was raised in a Missionary Baptist Church & was taught that when I became accountable for my sin I would be bound for Hell.  Having heard this I would pray as a child wanting to be saved but I wasn’t convicted in my heart.  Knowing that I wasn’t under conviction, I would pray that when conviction would come that I would have the strength to call on him.  It wasn’t till the Friday night of revival Brother Jack Green was preaching when he ask the question “When will you be saved?” and “Will hell be your home?”  I sat there thinking when would my time come?  And will I be saved.  When the altar call was given the lady that was sitting next to me (Mrs. Mary Taylor) leaned over and ask my mama if I had ever been saved?  I think she shook her head no.  Then she asked me.  “Have you ever been saved?” I said no.  My heart fell with trouble and I knew I was lost.  She asked me if I wanted to go to the altar.  I really didn’t want to but I knew If I didn’t I was going to Hell.  I went and prayed for a long time.  I begged not to go to Hell and nothing I seamed to do would lift my burden from me.  I told the Lord I didn’t know what else to do and that he would have to take care of it.  And he saved me.  He gave me a peace in my heart and it’s been there ever since.  I know that peace will take me to heaven when I die.

I am now 36 years old, and the peace I got the night I as saved is still as sweet as it was that night.  I have came to a place in my life when I have thought, What will my life mean when I’m gone?  What will I leave?  The only thing I have to leave is my testimony of being saved.  I then asked my family and church members to also write down their testimonies.  That we could leave them for any one whom would want to know about our testimony in hope that it might help someone else to find peace in the Lord and be saved.

Lorie Allison Kent

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