And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Mat 16:18 (KJV)

Sister Mai Bennett

My Testimony by Mai Bennett

    My name is Mai Nell Bennett.  I was born Oct. 12, 1958.  I lived in Chestnut Mound.  My parents were Hugh and Ogeal Blair.  I have ten brothers and sisters.

My family went to church in Chestnut Mound, as we all got older my family quit going to church but my Aunt Virginia would come to our house and pick me up and take me to church.

At the age of ten, my family moved to Lancaster.  My mother went back to church and she took me and my sister Penny.  We went to a Methodist church before we had went to Chestnut Mound Missionary Baptist Church.

When I was twelve getting ready for church I had no idea what a day it was going to be.  During services I felt a heavy burden on my heart.  I didn’t understand what was going on.  I was troubled all during services.

When the preacher made the altar call I knew what I had to do.  As I got up and went to the altar I knelt down and asked Jesus to help me, and make this burden on my heart to go away.

The burden and the pain on my heart was great.  I prayed to Jesus to save me and in an instant the pain was gone and a sweet peace filled my heart.

I knew at that moment Jesus had saved my soul.  When I got up and looked up my mother had tears in her eyes.  My sister Penny was also at the altar, but I don’t know if she was saved.  But I knew I was.

After that my life was never the same.  I had connected with Jesus in a way only a person saved by Jesus would know.

You can give a time and a place where you got saved, but it’s the feeling you have in your heart that is the greatest feeling you will ever know.  A feeling that will last in your heart forever.

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